Frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to questions I've received about my game.

  1. How did you learn how to make your game?

    I mostly learned from an online course I took through Udemy by GameDev.tv. It was their C++ and Blueprints Unreal Engine course. After completing that, I had a good foundation on where to start with making my own game. Unreal Engine also has an official learning portal with a ton of content, too. It's pretty awesome.

  2. Did you really make everything yourself?

    Yes. Except for the main text font (Crimson) and some sound effects, everything is made by me. Music, story, art, code, ui, yadda yadda yadda. Not bad, eh?

  3. How long did it take to make the demo?

    I worked on and off on it for about a year. I was in college so I didn't have too much free time, but I made it work.

  4. Are you going to get any outside help/funding?

    No. Doing everything myself is not only free, it also helps me build skills that I can use later. Additionally, if I were to be funded by a publisher or anything of the sort, I'd most likely lose some creative rights to my property. I'm never letting that happen.

That's about all. I'll update this page as needed.